Things that aren't funny: Part I
Jokes about how white people are just so darn white. ...
Jokes about how white people are just so darn white. ...
When I heard of the plans to rebuild the destroyed parts of New Orleans, I was overcome with the warm fuzzies. Here were people determined to rebuild their lives and houses no matter what the current and future costs to you and me. God bless them. ...
(Continued from Evolution in Kansas.) ...
Dear Scientific Illiterates, ...
I finally watched Supersize Me. It taught me so many things, I can see why people love it so much. ...
"I am an atheist." ...
For someone who tries to live as myth-free as possible, it can be fairly rough going sometimes. As an exercise, pretend someone told you he believed that all humans have a toe growing out of the tops of their heads. If you don't immediately vacate the area, I can see the line of conversation going something like this: ...
Old stuff ...