As a parent, your most important job is to keep your kids off drugs. This task might be complicated by your memories of when you used to get high. You might have found being high enjoyable. You might think it was all fun and games. You might think it's not really a "big deal" if your teenager gets high or drinks like you did when you were a teenager.
You might be wrong.
Being high just made you think you were having fun: you weren't actually experiencing any enjoyment. Quite the contrary. You were actually funding terrorists, getting pregnant, running over children, worshipping the devil, kicking puppies, repressing minorities, shooting nuns, committing genocide, and eating baby kittens.
If you don't remember any of that harmful stuff, it's because marijuana made you forget it all. You had reefer madness and your chromosomes have been damaged.
In any case, you must tell children that you did not enjoy it and it was not harmless fun. You must protect them at all costs, even by lying if need be. It's okay, really.